Monday, February 27, 2017

Healthy dishes (Beef with carrot and celery)

Hi Everybody!

I would like to eat healthier and We roated  a beef with carrots and celery on Sunday. And we will eat it today and tomorrow lunch.

1.5 kg beef
1 pc lightening marinate
0,5 kg carrot
1 pc cellery

First I washed the beef and I made beef slices on Saturday. After it I marinated beef with lightening marinate. If you do not use lightening marinate you can prepare it. ( You put  mustard, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper in bowl and mix up these ingredients. After you finished it you mold it on beed slices). When I finished these on Saturday I put it in fridge. Beef slices took a rest on day in fridge.
On Sunday I took it out fridge. And I roasted in frying pan with a little bit olive oil because marinate contained oil. I roated it on high heat each side some minutes. After it I put opper on pan and I roasted on low heat about 1,5-2 hours. After it beef was soft and It was ready. I clear and cut carrots and celery. After it I cut these to little pieces and put these in bakery sheet I scatered it with spice and salt.I preheeted the owen and I put it in owen for 15-20 minutes. And It was ready.

I hope I can help other people with this post. Have a good grilling!

Thanks for your attention


Sunday, February 26, 2017

About shoes I.

Hi Everybody!

Wrongest shoes!

 I write about  shoe. Each runner have 'an old shoes' and the feeling is so good when you pick up new shoes first and you  run. This feeling is such as you walk on cloud(if you have a good running shoes) Right?  In this post I write about shoe cleaning and when you change it.

Naturally you should clean running shoes with wet togs. and you never wash it in washing machine because in your shoe sewing will be loose and it break away soon. And if you have more shoe than one you  use the other than last used shoes And you do not wash it after every running because it will be run down. So only wet togs cleaning!

Wrong shoes

How can you ascertain that your shoe is good or not?

When you change your running shoes?  If sole of your shoes  are  hard you change it immediately. If sole of your shoes are cracky or it is trodden. So if you look that it is wrong you should change it.

Shoes changing
I read a lot of post and I try a lot of shoes when I would like to buy a new shoes. If you are before buying shoes you should lokk this blog. It is the best.

Thanks for your attention


Friday, February 24, 2017


Hi Everybody!

I wrote a lot of things but I did not write about motivation. My motivation became other people's activities. Because I spoke other runners.

First. I liked running in the past but I had not got enough motivation, but I spoke  with Sophia. She runs a lot. She attended a lot of race and runs every weeks  


Second. I heard about my fiancee's girlfriend's oath, and She completed the one thousand kilometers. These kilometers contain the personal runnings and races. She ran longer distance. I thought that i can do it too an I told my girlfriend that I will do it too. My girlfriend maybe doubts about my plan. After this conversation I did some kilometers.

If you have not enough motivation you should speak with runners and read about this topic. I think the running films are so good because you will be more motivated and more energetic. For example Forrest Gump, Race, Marathon Man, Running, The long green line, Running brave, Prefontaine, Without Limits.

If you are motivated you will only dress up and go to run.
Have a nice weekend!

Thanks for your attention


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Third step - Keeping regularity!

Hi Everybody!

In this year I started the regularly sporting. I tried a lot of sport for example cycling, walking, body building, but the best is running for me. It is cost-effective, time-saving and fat burning. It make a nice thin body. If you run more and more you can do every daily activities easyly. For instance you can go up to third floor with airness or you can go to shopping by walk without fatigue. In the past sometimes I gasped when I go up to upstairs, but Nowadays it eliminate. You should run if you live healtier than now.

In this first moth I ran sometimes and I keep close to 120 km. My plan is that I run one hundred kilometers each months. If I fulfill it I will run the one tausend kilometers in this year. Each weeks I ran 3 or 4 times. I ran a half maraton on third Sunday in January   This was my first such distance. I lost some kilogramms but I eat a lot. My next step will be less eating. I would like to be 80 kilogramms but now I am 90 kilogramms so I will have a huge mission.

In the future I would like to write about healty eating and healty life.

"An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality."   - Brian Tracy

Thanks for your attention


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Second step - Regularity

Hi Everybody!

So in the past I decided that I run one thousend kilometers. Firt time I was scared about this disctence. I ask from myself HOW CAN I DO IT? and the answer was regularly run. So I decided that I  run 2-3-4-5 times a week because I have got a lot of think. Sometimes we (me and my fiancée) visit my / her parents/grandparents and I work eight and half hours every day from monday to friday. So I have not got enough time. (Yes, I know the time is relative and Yes I know I have not got children so I do not know what is the less time)

The Second step: When are we running? For example On weekend I ran midday because it was warmer than morning and evening. But the question is the weekdays. Of course I find time for running  on weekdays. I usually ran in the evening at 7-8 o'clock pm in this weather (in winter). I usually run one hour on a weekday. So if you want running you take the time to run. Nothing is impossible.

Running in the dark.

So In this winter (because now It is winter here) I usually ran in the town because I have not got a good lamp so I did not go out of town in the dark. I ran at the evening because I hate the car exhaust. A lot of people go home by car at 4 o'clock pm after working time so I rather run in the evening. Around 8 o'clock there are not any car and any people on streets in this town. I like running alone because I do not listen music during running. It is so restful and relaxing. I usually run on an usual way becasuse I know where  are ramps and slopes and I can organise my strength. I know what time I can run this section. You should use a usual section/distance.

" Your life is only gets better when you get better! ˇ - Brian Tracy

Thanks for your attention


App change! (Lost trucks)

Hi Everybody!

This is an exceptional post. I usually publish one blog entry each day. But today I publish two piecies of post because I would like to share every information about this. Because Runkeeper was updated today and I lost my all trucks.  I chose this application because I thought it will be a good for me but I did not think that I could lose all running data. I had never any problem with it until today.  I started regularly sporting in this year and I ran 185 kilometers. After this day I lost all of my datas, so it is not so good program that I thought.

After it I will use Runtastic program. I hope this program will be better than Runkeeper.
I would like to share my opinion about it in the future.

Thanks for your attention

Monday, February 20, 2017

First step - The Decision (First run in this year!)

Hi Everybody!
In this year I made an oath, I decided to run one thousend kilometers in this year. I ran sometimes but i did not run a lot. I usually ran seven kilometers but it was not systematic. In summer I ran more than in winter. When I like it I ran two or three times a week, but it did not hold a long time.

The first STEP The decision!
So I decided it and I chose my running app(Runtastic). First time when I went to run. The weather was sunny but very cold. It was a beautiful day for runnig. Temperature was -10 degree celsius.
After dressing I switch on the app and fixed my phone on my arm. I run in this cool weather about 10 km. During running I walk many times because I can not run a lot and I did not want to overload my legs / my feet. I was cold despite the many clothes. I ran from Veszprém to Nemesvámos and back. This ways contain strait and hilly(so I was running up and down, up and down). The height difference is ca. 800 meters. After it I was tired but I strecthed my muscles because I did not want to have muscle stain. It was very relaxed and restful (I would like to write muscle stretching in the future).

Conclusion: In this weather you wear more clothes or you oil your leg with warming cream.( I chose the second option and I lubricate my leg every single time) If you start to run you should run shorter section. And you increase gardually distance. It was my mistake that I started the long distance. So it is very important that you start short distance.

"Think big and don't listen to people who tell you it can't be done. Life's too sort to think small " - Tim Ferriss
Thanks for your attention

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Welcome post (About me !)

Hi Everybody!
I write this blog because i started to run regularly in this year and I would like to share my difficulties and my gladness about it.
About me: I am a design engineer. I usually do sitting work. I have normal body, not plump and not  thin, but I have  some fat in my waistline. My destination is loosing weight and loosing the waistline fat. Because I would like to live for a long time.
I hope I can help for other people who is in a similar situation and it gives strength for everyone.
If you have any question feel free to ask me. I'm really sorry, If I make a mistake but my mother tongue is not English.

ˇThe key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.ˇ - Brian Tracy

Thanks for your attention!