Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Second step - Regularity

Hi Everybody!

So in the past I decided that I run one thousend kilometers. Firt time I was scared about this disctence. I ask from myself HOW CAN I DO IT? and the answer was regularly run. So I decided that I  run 2-3-4-5 times a week because I have got a lot of think. Sometimes we (me and my fiancée) visit my / her parents/grandparents and I work eight and half hours every day from monday to friday. So I have not got enough time. (Yes, I know the time is relative and Yes I know I have not got children so I do not know what is the less time)

The Second step: When are we running? For example On weekend I ran midday because it was warmer than morning and evening. But the question is the weekdays. Of course I find time for running  on weekdays. I usually ran in the evening at 7-8 o'clock pm in this weather (in winter). I usually run one hour on a weekday. So if you want running you take the time to run. Nothing is impossible.

Running in the dark.

So In this winter (because now It is winter here) I usually ran in the town because I have not got a good lamp so I did not go out of town in the dark. I ran at the evening because I hate the car exhaust. A lot of people go home by car at 4 o'clock pm after working time so I rather run in the evening. Around 8 o'clock there are not any car and any people on streets in this town. I like running alone because I do not listen music during running. It is so restful and relaxing. I usually run on an usual way becasuse I know where  are ramps and slopes and I can organise my strength. I know what time I can run this section. You should use a usual section/distance.

" Your life is only gets better when you get better! ˇ - Brian Tracy

Thanks for your attention



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