Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Third step - Keeping regularity!

Hi Everybody!

In this year I started the regularly sporting. I tried a lot of sport for example cycling, walking, body building, but the best is running for me. It is cost-effective, time-saving and fat burning. It make a nice thin body. If you run more and more you can do every daily activities easyly. For instance you can go up to third floor with airness or you can go to shopping by walk without fatigue. In the past sometimes I gasped when I go up to upstairs, but Nowadays it eliminate. You should run if you live healtier than now.

In this first moth I ran sometimes and I keep close to 120 km. My plan is that I run one hundred kilometers each months. If I fulfill it I will run the one tausend kilometers in this year. Each weeks I ran 3 or 4 times. I ran a half maraton on third Sunday in January   This was my first such distance. I lost some kilogramms but I eat a lot. My next step will be less eating. I would like to be 80 kilogramms but now I am 90 kilogramms so I will have a huge mission.

In the future I would like to write about healty eating and healty life.

"An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality."   - Brian Tracy

Thanks for your attention


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