Monday, February 20, 2017

First step - The Decision (First run in this year!)

Hi Everybody!
In this year I made an oath, I decided to run one thousend kilometers in this year. I ran sometimes but i did not run a lot. I usually ran seven kilometers but it was not systematic. In summer I ran more than in winter. When I like it I ran two or three times a week, but it did not hold a long time.

The first STEP The decision!
So I decided it and I chose my running app(Runtastic). First time when I went to run. The weather was sunny but very cold. It was a beautiful day for runnig. Temperature was -10 degree celsius.
After dressing I switch on the app and fixed my phone on my arm. I run in this cool weather about 10 km. During running I walk many times because I can not run a lot and I did not want to overload my legs / my feet. I was cold despite the many clothes. I ran from Veszprém to Nemesvámos and back. This ways contain strait and hilly(so I was running up and down, up and down). The height difference is ca. 800 meters. After it I was tired but I strecthed my muscles because I did not want to have muscle stain. It was very relaxed and restful (I would like to write muscle stretching in the future).

Conclusion: In this weather you wear more clothes or you oil your leg with warming cream.( I chose the second option and I lubricate my leg every single time) If you start to run you should run shorter section. And you increase gardually distance. It was my mistake that I started the long distance. So it is very important that you start short distance.

"Think big and don't listen to people who tell you it can't be done. Life's too sort to think small " - Tim Ferriss
Thanks for your attention

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