Monday, February 27, 2017

Healthy dishes (Beef with carrot and celery)

Hi Everybody!

I would like to eat healthier and We roated  a beef with carrots and celery on Sunday. And we will eat it today and tomorrow lunch.

1.5 kg beef
1 pc lightening marinate
0,5 kg carrot
1 pc cellery

First I washed the beef and I made beef slices on Saturday. After it I marinated beef with lightening marinate. If you do not use lightening marinate you can prepare it. ( You put  mustard, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper in bowl and mix up these ingredients. After you finished it you mold it on beed slices). When I finished these on Saturday I put it in fridge. Beef slices took a rest on day in fridge.
On Sunday I took it out fridge. And I roasted in frying pan with a little bit olive oil because marinate contained oil. I roated it on high heat each side some minutes. After it I put opper on pan and I roasted on low heat about 1,5-2 hours. After it beef was soft and It was ready. I clear and cut carrots and celery. After it I cut these to little pieces and put these in bakery sheet I scatered it with spice and salt.I preheeted the owen and I put it in owen for 15-20 minutes. And It was ready.

I hope I can help other people with this post. Have a good grilling!

Thanks for your attention


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