Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Running t-shirt

What you should know about a sport shirt?

Optimal temperature of human body is 37 Celsius degree. After only a few degrees difference can lead to serious problems

If the optimal temperature of human body is 37 Celsius degree in natural state than it will be optimal when you are running, so you will change your running shirt. You will buy technical shirt.

I do sports  I  sweat!
Until intensive sport energy consumption is higher then other situation so your temperature will be higher then other time. Biological reaction of our body is sweating. The sweating is when skin of our body will be wet. This wet evaporation cools the body. In close veins blood will be colder, and this colder blood go back to heart and breath, and these will be colder. The more evaporation is the colder blood will be.

Synthetic or natural?
If you wear shirt the evaporation is less. The natural fibre is less breathable if it is wet. Every natural fibre like wet and these attracts, clogging pores with a suitable ventilation. Synthetic fibre toss the water. It leads wet from bends. More  surface is more evaporation is. and more cooling is. Technical sport shirts have increased surface that it has increased evaporation. If you wear technical shirt, the evaporation is 2-3 times more, then naked body. So the cooling is better. And These shirt usually protect your skin from the sun

The sport shirt advantages:
  • It helps to maintain the body's  micro climate
  • From my skin it leads sweat, accelerates evaporation
  • Repels moisture, weight of shirt is not increases, it do not prevent in moving
  • Comfortable, color and dimensional stability, extremely long life.
  • It protects from harmful sun rays.
A good advice: Sports shirts, size and color-fast, does not require special cleaning, as every day you can put it in the washing machine. It is not advisable, however, apply fabric softener, because the odor molecules clog small openings to ensure ventilation.

Monday, March 27, 2017

My first Half marathon

Hi Everybody!

On Friday I was on my first half marathon. I completed it during 2 hours 9 minutes. I ran about 6 min/km. I think it is a good time for me because I started regularly running in this year. We have got a nice weather. It was sunny and windy, but I was wrong about my clothes because I wear my running coat. It was so hot and I did not fight the running, I fought only the heat because We stick my start number on my coat. It is the rule that you do not take off the start number so I fought the heat.
The race was good. I felt good after racing I was tired and happy that I could completed it.

Have a nice running!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Half marathon plan (under 8 weeks)

The vincible distance: the half marathon

You should prepaire for vincible 21 097 meters
If you never run this therefor

If you ran long time ago therefor
If you run this a lot why do you miss out this

Training plan biginner and rebigginer

You don not start from zero you can use the first training plan. The runners,  who run regularly  perform this distance within the limit time

Instructions for your training:

  • MS - other sport that you can like and you can do, and in thtat sport your heart rate reach 180 - your age.
  • Running in the nature -  where you run easy or sometimes you only walk (a little bit)
  • Increase - 60-80 meters increase running when you start slowly and in the end you run energetic.
  • Warm-up and  deduction- W, D every training first 10 - 15 min and last 5-10 min it is easy running.
  • Fartlec - fartlec running so play with your speed. I is your call that when and what distance is your warm up( 50 - 300 meter). The best is the hilly ground( up and down playing) .
  • W - Walking, walking gait.
  • ER- Easy running - you feel it easy.
  • R - Running - You feel good under it.
  • RP - race place running - you will use this speed on the race
  • SR - Stronger running It is stronger than race place, it is usually onlx 500 meter.
  • WU - Warm - up: 10 - 15 min easy running.
  • D - Deduction: 5 - 10 min easy running.

55 min ER
60 min MS
60 min fartlec
30 min ER, 6x80 m increasing
13-15 km running in the nature
Easy running week:. Everybody do that you like. There are min 2 training, Max 4 training in this week . Other sports(MS) are good in this week next two running training. The running training is not longer then 12-14 km buti t will be 30 min.
60 min ER
WU: 15 min kf
5x400 SR
between 400 m ER
6x60 m increaseing
D: 10 min ER
45 min ER
15 km
60 min ER
WU: 15 min ER
6x300 m SR
between 100 m R
6x60 km increasing
D: 10 p ER
40 min ER
15-17 km running in the nature
Easy running week. Similar than second week was.
60 min ER
65 p fartlec or
WU: 20 min
10 km test
D: 10 p 
30 min ER
15 km
50 min ER
60 p fartlec
12 km
45 min fartlec
8-10 km
Half marathonF

Acceleration for adveced

Interesting is understandable, because you run a lot of 5-10 km, you would like tor try a longer distance. You coach a little bit more a few weeks and you can finished  half marathon. MArathon runners like running half marathon sometimes.  There are two table for "jump up" and "jump down" runners.

Jump up to half marathon

Frieday or Saturday
8 km
6 km
9 km
11 km
9 km
7 km
12 km
15 km
9 km
8 km
(T) 10 km
9 km
7 km
10 km
10 km
9 km
5 km
Half marathon

On thuesday and thursday speed of running is easy(you feel good). Saturday training and 10 km test training are energetic than 10 km race place. On the training 1 - 2 km is warm up and the last 1 km is deduction. The essence is the loner distance on training.

Jump dow for half marathon

Frieday or Saturday
8 km
9 km
18 km
9 km
12 km
15 km
9 km
(T) 10 km
9 km
10 km
12 km
9 km
Half marathon

On thursday and Saturday speed of training is easy(you feel good). Saturday training and 10 km training is energetic but first 1-2 km of training is warm up and  last 1 km of training is deducation. On thursday it contain 2 km warm up, 1 km deducation, 400 meter energetic run after it 400 meter easy running. The essence of training is shorter distance but the speed will be higher.

Thanks for your attention


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Winter training

Running in the winter

Longer warm up for everybody.

In cold weather the warm up is longer and other. Naturally everyone do more warm up than you do on the other three season. First you should do gymnastcs, you should move your big muscle groups from top to bottom. After it you move your special running muscles. After it you do easy hopscotch and you do warm up running about 20 minutes. The stretching is end of running.

You should step cautiously, because the running is dangerous in winter.

The athlete do basis of running in winter.

Amature runner do the longest run in winter. She/He improves her/his stamina. Interval training is not frequently. Exampe: Warm up, Hopscotch and warm up running 20 minutes, after it 4 x 1000 meter energetic running between 1000 meter very easy running, the last will be deducation. All of these will be 12 km.
With basis training 45 - 60 minutes training start in gym ones a week. After training you sctrech your muscles and use sauna if you have chance.

The sport clothes of winter

The doctrina is that winter clothes contain more layer, instead of thick dress is more thinner dress. Bettween layers air secure the warm. The recommanded is that on the top there are 3 layers and on the bottom there are 2 layers. The wind jacket is good heat insulation.  The body contacting clothes will be previous. The head is good blood supply place, 30 - 50 % of your heat decepation is across head. Tha cap is very importan in connection with your body. You wear cap and not hood, because the hood limit you moving. If you are sugar you do not run in rain and snowfall. If  you run in rain after it you change your clothes. The woman should daub their face with cold cream before running because the cold air dry your skin. The jewelry cools your body locally because these made from metal. for example earing, necklace. In winter Tehere is air between shoes and your foot therefore in winter your shoes will be bigger half size. And the end Running is in dark. You will wear flashing light on your leg or your arm. It is self-interest.
When do not you run in winter?

Hardened runner run in minus 10 - 15 celsuis degree. Under this celsius degree you should additional training or run in gym. On the national ski-running competition rules does not allow the race under 23 celsius degree. You will not run if you are ill or sick. If you have injury you should skip a week.  Alcohol distract your wind chill. And your body will cool too.

Have a nice running training!


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Healthy dish after Saint Patrick day

The broccoli soup!


  • 1 head broccoli
  • 1 head onion
  • 2 pc spice cubes(salt, sugar, carrot and green vegetable to vegetable)
  • a little bit grease
  • 500 ml sour cream


Fritter the onion and broccoli and roast an onion. After onion is glassy You  fill up the pot with water and put fritter broccoli into the pot. Cook broccoli when it will be limp. Until it cooks you put 2 pc spice cube into pot or If you do not like use spice cube you put salt, a little bit carrot and green vegetable to taste. After it cooked You masticate it and invent it with grated cheese or After masticated you can put sour cream in it and After boiling you can invent it. I put 2 wipped egg in it (I pour two wipped eggs)when it boil and I invented it with grated cheese.

Have a nice day!


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Tortilla (Healthy dishes)

Tortilla with pork

Originally derived from the corn tortilla, a bread of maize which predates the arrival of Europeans to the Americas, the wheat flour tortilla was an innovation by exiled Sephardi Jews who considered corn meal as non-kosher and used wheat brought from Europe, while this region was the colony of New Spain. It is made with an unleavened, water based dough, pressed and cooked like corn tortillas. In Spanish the word "tortilla", without qualification, has different meanings in different regions. In Spain it is an comelette; in Mexico and Central America it is a corn tortilla; and in many other places a flour tortilla.


1 bag quick marinade
1 kg pork
1 head of lettuce
1 pc cucumber
1 bottle olive
some pc fress tomato
1 bottle sour cream
1 bag tortilla slabs

First you marinade your meat. After picking  you roast pork a little in casserole . After roasting Put on the cover and cook it when the meat fall to pieces. The meat is ready. Cut small pieces each vegetable. Put one tortilla on the plate. Lubricate it thin with sour cream. Put some meat on it. After it you put the plate in the microwave oven on 1 minutes. After tortilla is warm You can put vegetables on it and fold the tortilla. After you do it you can eat it.

Have a nice day!


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Training method

The training methods:

The regular running of the body induces positive changes, after that it improve as a result of oxygen uptake. increase aerobic capacity, improve circulate of blood, improve stamina, physical fitness. The runs - such as training - recurring stimuli that cause the sports movement will be more economical due to the change in the body. The organization strives to achieve maximum results in minimum power and energy consumption side. This adaptation only under the influence of sufficient strength and duration edzésingerek the body. These effects may be running the length of the workout gradually increase and change the various types of exercise can help.

The sessions running their strength and their effects according to different types can be divided into.

Holder or continuous running

It contain constant speed, continuous running from 30 min to more hours. This method improve your stamina. During this running oxygen intake like oxygen consumpltion. The methabolism is aerobe.

These running are three type of speed:

  • Low speed running: This training is easy and slow. If you are biginner you will use this type. This type make stamina of long distance runner. The maratonist who run more then 200 km where the slow speed is natural use this type a lot.
  • Middle speed running: This type is not for biginners. The speed is measurement.
  • Energetic continuous running: It is near anaerobe style of running. I recommend it to competitors
Regularly three times a week, minimum half hours similar speed running trainings effort more capillary of muscles, your methabolis will be economical and your rest pulse decrease

Fartlec or place playin running

Her name contains play so playing with speed. The runner chooses her speed, when and how long distance does he run stronger ( 50 to 1000 meters). You change the part of distance of running. This method improve your stamina. You should do this training on hilly ground. The running will be oxygen - rich.

Example ca. 45 min fartlec training:

  • 10 min slow running than warm up, after it you run faster temp for 10 minutes;
  • 2 minutes walking and streching your leg and arm;
  • 5 x 100 meter running on slight upward, after it  walking or easy running;
  • 8 - 10 minutes lively running;
  • 3 minutes walking or very easy running;
  • 2 minutes lively running;
  • 5-8 minutes eays running;
  • and deducation is 3-5 minutes walking

You do not need to plan in advance what to do and how it will be run, in practice the speed of change based on the current feelings and the terrain gave opportunities to play irammal.

Intervals or part distance running

The running and resting  according to plan changing but after resting your pulse do not less than 120 - 130 bpm. Racer use this method
By time of intervals the training will be three types:

  • Short interval running: the periods are from 15 sec to 2 minutes. Sprinter use this method. It is anaerobe type training.
  • Middle intervals running: the periods are 2-8 minutes. It improve your speed endurance.
  • Long interval running:  the periods are between 8 minutes to 15 minutes. It improves your stsamina.

The running hills is anaerobe loading. It strengthen  the muscles of leg. If you skip the rest time, your training will be interval running. If you hol a log rest time, your training will be repeatr method.

Repeat method

Short distances are ( 50 -  150 meters) fast running between total resting time. Speed endurance improve for only racers.  It is recomended for sprinters.

The training effect on the human body similar to medicines. Same pills effect for two men different. If you want use these method you will start it and you use some week you will change or shape these for yourself.

Have a nice day!
