Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Winter training

Running in the winter

Longer warm up for everybody.

In cold weather the warm up is longer and other. Naturally everyone do more warm up than you do on the other three season. First you should do gymnastcs, you should move your big muscle groups from top to bottom. After it you move your special running muscles. After it you do easy hopscotch and you do warm up running about 20 minutes. The stretching is end of running.

You should step cautiously, because the running is dangerous in winter.

The athlete do basis of running in winter.

Amature runner do the longest run in winter. She/He improves her/his stamina. Interval training is not frequently. Exampe: Warm up, Hopscotch and warm up running 20 minutes, after it 4 x 1000 meter energetic running between 1000 meter very easy running, the last will be deducation. All of these will be 12 km.
With basis training 45 - 60 minutes training start in gym ones a week. After training you sctrech your muscles and use sauna if you have chance.

The sport clothes of winter

The doctrina is that winter clothes contain more layer, instead of thick dress is more thinner dress. Bettween layers air secure the warm. The recommanded is that on the top there are 3 layers and on the bottom there are 2 layers. The wind jacket is good heat insulation.  The body contacting clothes will be previous. The head is good blood supply place, 30 - 50 % of your heat decepation is across head. Tha cap is very importan in connection with your body. You wear cap and not hood, because the hood limit you moving. If you are sugar you do not run in rain and snowfall. If  you run in rain after it you change your clothes. The woman should daub their face with cold cream before running because the cold air dry your skin. The jewelry cools your body locally because these made from metal. for example earing, necklace. In winter Tehere is air between shoes and your foot therefore in winter your shoes will be bigger half size. And the end Running is in dark. You will wear flashing light on your leg or your arm. It is self-interest.
When do not you run in winter?

Hardened runner run in minus 10 - 15 celsuis degree. Under this celsius degree you should additional training or run in gym. On the national ski-running competition rules does not allow the race under 23 celsius degree. You will not run if you are ill or sick. If you have injury you should skip a week.  Alcohol distract your wind chill. And your body will cool too.

Have a nice running training!


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