Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Healthy dish after Saint Patrick day

The broccoli soup!


  • 1 head broccoli
  • 1 head onion
  • 2 pc spice cubes(salt, sugar, carrot and green vegetable to vegetable)
  • a little bit grease
  • 500 ml sour cream


Fritter the onion and broccoli and roast an onion. After onion is glassy You  fill up the pot with water and put fritter broccoli into the pot. Cook broccoli when it will be limp. Until it cooks you put 2 pc spice cube into pot or If you do not like use spice cube you put salt, a little bit carrot and green vegetable to taste. After it cooked You masticate it and invent it with grated cheese or After masticated you can put sour cream in it and After boiling you can invent it. I put 2 wipped egg in it (I pour two wipped eggs)when it boil and I invented it with grated cheese.

Have a nice day!


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