Thursday, March 16, 2017

Heart rate and training connection!

Heart rate and training connection!

The heart rate is the most sensitive indicator of physical load of my body. Below physical loading it show me the intensity of training. in long time heart rate charts show me the development. During training If you see it and it is lower than other you must run harder, But if it is higher than other you must run loosely. You should define some data, for instance: maximum heart rate, rest heart rate, aerobe and anaerobe heart rate, You should build these in your training.

Determination of maximum heart rate

You can define determination of maximum heart rate. Two type of it: counting and measurement methods. This is the first step if you use the heart rate data.


Counting method

There are more formula of  counting method. The old method is so easy: Maximum heart rate = 220- your age. Nowaday this formula is inaccurate. Because it does not contain sportman's age and health
Below you show tree counting.
John Parker's book discloses a counting method: Maximum heart rate = 205 - half of age; +5 if woman is; +5 if he is elit athlete. So If he is 28 years old sportman: Maximum heart rate= 205-14+0+0= 191.

Second formula contains age, sexuality and body weight: Maximum heart rate = 210- half of your age - 10% of your body weight, +4 if you are male. So he is 28 years old man and Her body weight is 90 kilograms. Maximum heart rate = 210-14-9+4=186.

Finally This is the third formula. It contains age and level of fitness. Runners World magazine support this formula. Miller formula: Maximum heart rate = 217 -(0,85 x age); -3 If you are under 30 and you are elite athlete; +2 if you are near 50 years old and you are elite athlete; +4 if you are above 55 years old and you are elite athlete. So a man is, who is 28 years old elite athlete: Maximum heart rate= 217 -  (0,85 x 28) - 3 = 196,2.

Measuring method

The couting methods do not give an accurate results. because These can not take into consideration the athlete's specialities. You can measure the maximum hearth rate if you measure your maximum heart rate in strong training. For example this things:

1. You warm up thoroughly, and you drink a lot of liquid before training. If you have a heart rate monitor you take it up.  You search a long rising slightly ramp. it is steight road or path.
2. You run up in hard tempo 2-3 min, after it you come back the front slope with jogging. 
3. You repeat it more 2 times with stronger tempo. On last time you run amain.
4. When you arrive on the top of hill, you can measure your maximum heart rate.

How can you measure your heart rate if you have not got heart rate monitor?You can do iton your carotid antery. You push your carotid antery with your forefinger and your middle finger. If you do it repeteadly you can do it good. After loading you do this measuring about 10-20 sec, and you calculate your maximum heart rate. If you would like to know your heart rate when you are relaxing. You do this 30-60 sec.


Determination of rest heart rate.

You can define your rest heart rate(HRrest) with measured method. You do this measured after awakening. You choose the day when you are very relaxed. and you do not weak up with alarm clock. You should take up your heart rate monitor last night. You see the number 2-5 min. and you repeat it 2-3 times a week.

What is your training target based on heart rate?

Only top athlete use the maximum heart rate, because it load very stressful. The optimom heart rate of training is 50 - 90 % of your maximum heart rate.

Sport zona
Pulse-rate (HRmax %)
For who, when recomended?
How often?
The induced effects
1: Health preservation, regeneration
50-60 %
Biginners and elders, and athlets for relaxing, warm-up, deduction.
Fast walking. You feel it very easy, a  little bit effort.
It helps you in warm -up and relaxing.
2: Fat burning
60-70 %
It help you in fat burning, and you use this in long training and racing time.
Jogging. You feel it easy and low muscle loading.
Improves general base fitness and boosts metabolism.
3: Aerob increase stamina
70-80 %
If you prepare for race or if you fulfill your performance.
It is monotonous middle running. You feel it monotonous fast breathing.
It increases your training tempo. It fix your efficiency.
4: Anaerob increase stamina
80-90 %
 Experinced athlets are all year. There are before race.
Fast running. It couses muscle-fatigue nad wheezing.
It holds your stronger stamina.
5: Peak load
90-100 %
Athletes how are very experienced and fitt.  Only short period. You ussually use before racing in last period.
Sprint. You feel it very strong.
Maximum effort that your breath and muscle will be stronger.

 The enti table was calculated according to the percentage of maximum heart rate schedule.

The training in the first sport zone is very low intensity. The level of achivement is better when you are relaxing, not during training. The rest was accererated with the lowest level of dificulty.

In the second sport zone there are stamina trainings, it is important. In this zone you run easy, anaerobe traning. In this zone you run long distance. Progress will require persistence.

The aerobe power is upgarated in the third sport zone. The Intesity of training is bigger than in first and seconf sport zone. In this zone your body uses carbohydrate reserves. This traning fix circulate of your blood.

If your target is maximum power of racing you should traning in the fourth anf fifth sport zones. You train anaerobe in these zones, maximum 10 minutes period. The shortest period is the biggest intensity. Between period regeneration is very important. These zones secure the maximum peak of performance.

Heart rate table.   remainder

Tere is a self so-called remainder heart rate number or heart rate reserve. Particular training planing contain this thing and these planing do not use maximum heart ratean these table use remainder heart rate numbers

The  heart rate reserve number (HRR) is maximum heart rate (HRmax) minus rest heart rate (HRrest). You can measure your training heart rate with HRR. The training heart rate definable with Karvonen formula.

Training heart rate = difficult level of target % (HRmax - HRrest) + HRrest


70 % HRR a man who HRmax = 201 bpm and HRrest = 50 bpm:

Training HR = 70 % ( 201 - 50 ) + 50

Training HR = 156 bpm

If you use these thing you can measure your training heart rate. If your measures are good, you can use this table some months without changing. At least half year you repeat this measuring that your maximum and resst heart rate do not change.

Thanks for your attention, I hope that i can help for you
Have a nice day!


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